Film: The Tooth Fairy
Distributor: Fox
Genre: Fantasy Comedy
Release Date: 22nd January 2010
Rating: PG
Fantastic Mr Fox, another 20th Century Fox film, was released in November 2009. The Tooth Fairy was initially scheduled for release in November 2009 but Fox decided to move the release date to January 2010 to avoid competition with Fantastic Mr Fox.
The film stars Dwayne Johnson, previously known as The Rock. Almost all of the films he has previously been involved in are comedies. This means that he has an already established audience of people who have seen films he has done before and like the genre. They know what to expect from this film.
The score for The Tooth Fairy was composed by George S Clinton. This film is a fantasy comedy and in the past, George S Clinton has composed musical scores for fantasies, such as Mortal Kombat, and comedies, such as The Love Guru. This means that the composer was experienced enough in the genre to know what type of music would go well with it.