Monday 7 December 2009

What UGC have you produced?

UGC stands for user-generated content. This is when normal members of the general public produce the media, usually eMedia such as blogs.

I have produced a blog to post all of my media work on. My blogs address is I started my blog in October 2009. I only post my media work on my blog and nothing else.

For my media homework, I had to analyse a film trailer. This would have been difficult to show on paper. However, on my blog, I was able to embed the film trailer from YouTube, another UGC site, onto my blog so people can watch the trailer there.

I also had to analyse magazine front covers. It was very simple for me to just upload the front covers as images onto my blog with the analysis underneath.

Many people now produce UGCs, whether it is on Facebook, YouTube, MySpace or any other site made up by the public. There are many advantages and disadvantages to user-generated content. An advantage of it is that it is very easy to get instant communication with many people around the world. However, it can be seen as a cause for people becoming less and less socially intelligent. People now spend their time communicating with people through social networking sites rather than going out to talk to them in person. UGCs make it very easy for people to communicate but it can be argued that it is now too simple and it is to cause for the dumbing down of generations.

1 comment:

  1. Asha

    This is good. Perhaps more nanalystical comment on our behaviour regarding user-generated content.....are we more likely to continue this way or as "Big Brother" looms, will people cut back on this kind of practice?

    Ms VDS :)
